
Joel on Software

In Defense of Not-Invented-Here Syndrome


by Joel Spolsky Sunday, October 14, 2001

Time for a pop quiz.


  1. Code Reuse is:

a) Good b) Bad


a)好的 b)坏的。

  1. Reinventing the Wheel is:

a) Good b) Bad


a)好的 b)坏的。

  1. The Not-Invented-Here Syndrome is:

a) Good b) Bad


a)好的 b)坏的。

Of course, everybody knows that you should always leverage other people's work. The correct answers are, of course, 1(a) 2(b) 3(b).

当然所有人都知道应该要借助于其他人的工作。因此正确答案当然是。a) b) b)



Not so fast, there!


The Not-Invented-Here Syndrome is considered a classic management pathology, in which a team refuses to use a technology that they didn't create themselves. People with NIH syndrome are obviously just being petty, refusing to do what's in the best interest of the overall organization because they can't find a way to take credit. (Right?) The Boring Business History Section at your local megabookstore is rife with stories about stupid teams that spend millions of dollars and twelve years building something they could have bought at Egghead for $9.99. And everybody who has paid any attention whatsoever to three decades of progress in computer programming knows that Reuse is the Holy Grail of all modern programming systems.


Right. Well, that's what I thought, too. So when I was the program manager in charge of the first implementation of Visual Basic for Applications, I put together a careful coalition of four, count them, four different teams at Microsoft to get custom dialog boxes in Excel VBA. The idea was complicated and fraught with interdependencies. There was a team called AFX that was working on some kind of dialog editor. Then we would use this brand new code from the OLE group which let you embed one app inside another. And the Visual Basic team would provide the programming language behind it. After a week of negotiation I got the AFX, OLE, and VB teams to agree to this in principle.


I stopped by Andrew Kwatinetz's office. He was my manager at the time and taught me everything I know. "The Excel development team will never accept it," he said. "You know their motto? 'Find the dependencies -- and eliminate them.' They'll never go for something with so many dependencies."

我去拜访了Andrew Kwatinetz,他当时是我的经理,并且教会了所有我知道的东西。“Excel开发团队永远不会同意的”,他说到:“你知道他们你知道他们的格言吗?找出依赖,然后消除他们。它们永远不会采用如此多依赖的方案。”

In-ter-est-ing. I hadn't known that. I guess that explained why Excel had its own C compiler.


By now I'm sure many of my readers are rolling on the floor laughing. "Isn't Microsoft stupid," you're thinking, "they refused to use other people's code and they even had their own compiler just for one product."


Not so fast, big boy! The Excel team's ruggedly independent mentality also meant that they always shipped on time, their code was of uniformly high quality, and they had a compiler which, back in the 1980s, generated pcode and could therefore run unmodified on Macintosh's 68000 chip as well as Intel PCs. The pcode also made the executable file about half the size that Intel binaries would have been, which loaded faster from floppy disks and required less RAM.


"Find the dependencies -- and eliminate them." When you're working on a really, really good team with great programmers, everybody else's code, frankly, is bug-infested garbage, and nobody else knows how to ship on time. When you're a cordon bleu chef and you need fresh lavender, you grow it yourself instead of buying it in the farmers' market, because sometimes they don't have fresh lavender or they have old lavender which they pass off as fresh.


Indeed during the recent dotcom mania a bunch of quack business writers suggested that the company of the future would be totally virtual -- just a trendy couple sipping Chardonnay in their living room outsourcing everything. What these hyperventilating "visionaries" overlooked is that the market pays for value added. Two yuppies in a living room buying an e-commerce engine from company A and selling merchandise made by company B and warehoused and shipped by company C, with customer service from company D, isn't honestly adding much value. In fact, if you've ever had to outsource a critical business function, you realize that outsourcing is hell. Without direct control over customer service, you're going to get nightmarishly bad customer service -- the kind people write about in their weblogs when they tried to get someone, anyone, from some phone company to do even the most basic thing. If you outsource fulfillment, and your fulfillment partner has a different idea about what constitutes prompt delivery, your customers are not going to be happy, and there's nothing you can do about it, because it took 3 months to find a fulfillment partner in the first place, and in fact, you won't even knowthat your customers are unhappy, because they can't talk to you, because you've set up an outsourced customer service center with the explicit aim of not listening to your own customers. That e-commerce engine you bought? There's no way it's going to be as flexible as what Amazon does with obidos, which they wrote themselves. (And if it is, then Amazon has no advantage over their competitors who bought the same thing). And no off-the-shelf web server is going to be as blazingly fast as what Google does with their hand-coded, hand-optimized server.

实际上在最近的.COM狂热中,一些庸俗的商业作者语言说:未来的公司肯定是完全虚拟化的。到时候公司不过是一对时尚的喝着名酒的夫妇在他们的起居室搞出来的,所有其他东西都会外包。这些一天一个变的幻想家们忽视的一点是:“市场只会为增值服务付费”。两个在起居室里面的自由职业工工作者,从A公司买来电子商务引擎,然后销售B公司的商品,发货由C公司负责,客户服务外包给D公司负责。想想,这样给客户带来了多大的增值服务呢?实际上,如果你把最核心的商业功能外包,你就会意识到外包简直就是噩梦。如果不直接控制客户服务,你得到的就是噩梦般糟糕的客户服务。就是那种人们在他们自己的网络日志里面提到的,当他们想从电话公司获得某个人任何人帮助来做一些最基本的事情却根本不可能。如果你外包你的发货过程,而你的合作伙伴对于完整的发货服务应该由哪些部分组成有着不同的观点,那么你的客户肯定不会对你的服务感到满意的。他们没法跟你沟通,因为你设立了一个外包的客户服务中心,你这样做的目的只不过是为了不想要聆听你客户的意见罢了。你购买的那个电子商务引擎?他不可能会像亚马逊自己开发的libido那样灵活。(如果是的话。亚马逊跟那些买了相同产品的竞争对手相比,就没有任何的优势) 购买的网络服务器不可能会跟谷歌自己动手搭建的优化服务器一样快。

This principle, unfortunately, seems to be directly in conflict with the ideal of "code reuse good -- reinventing wheel bad."


The best advice I can offer:


If it's a core business function -- do it yourself, no matter what.


Pick your core business competencies and goals, and do those in house. If you're a software company, writing excellent code is how you're going to succeed. Go ahead and outsource the company cafeteria and the CD-ROM duplication. If you're a pharmaceutical company, write software for drug research, but don't write your own accounting package. If you're a web accounting service, write your own accounting package, but don't try to create your own magazine ads. If you have customers, never outsource customer service.


If you're developing a computer game where the plot is your competitive advantage, it's OK to use a third party 3D library. But if cool 3D effects are going to be your distinguishing feature, you had better roll your own.


The only exception to this rule, I suspect, is if your own people are more incompetent than everyone else, so whenever you try to do anything in house, it's botched up. Yes, there are plenty of places like this. If you're in one of them, I can't help you.
